The Ten is a leadership platform that brings high school students and business executives together for a yearlong leadership collaboration that promotes self-discovery and the development of a personal leadership style. Designed as a one-year program, The Ten seeks to ignite in each student the desire to pursue the lifelong and challenging journey that is leadership development. Executives, as teachers, are provided with principles-based curriculum to guide that journey, but ultimately, each iteration of The Ten will be unique, just like the leaders it will inspire.


One can look in almost any direction and find someone or some group that is ready to preach about how the world works. This dynamic permeates daily life: school with teachers and cliques; work up and down the organizational structure; and home with parents and loved ones. From politics to religion to culture and beyond, there is a seemingly endless supply of authorities that have curated their messages and refined their marketing pitches in the ceaseless effort to attract new adherents. These pre-packaged and ready-made views of the world come with their own rules, sets of principles, and keys for success. For many, consciously or not, these views are co-opted and over time become unexamined truth.

The Ten is for those that wish to seek the truth on their own terms instead of merely accepting the edicts of an external authority. The search for one’s own truth is not a rejection of authority; but instead, a reframing of the impositions of authority. The Ten places great value on studying the world to further the search for one’s truth. The Ten’s comprehensive study of leadership styles and theories is bolstered by an examination of the individuals, businesses, belief systems, and arts & culture that put those styles and theories into action. None of these case studies are presented as right or wrong, but each is a new piece of data to be considered by the students.

“Know thyself” may be an ancient maxim, but its importance cannot be overstated in the context of The Ten. The process of coming to “know thyself” is a personal experience that will vary for everyone. The Ten is designed with the understanding that each participant’s journey for his or her truth will be different, focusing on different areas for growth, expressing interest in different subjects, and processing information in different ways. The Ten facilitates each of these personal journeys through guided and targeted self-reflections.

A critical recognition in the search for one’s own truth is that the discovery process is a lifelong endeavor. One’s truth is subject to gradual evolution or sudden transformation over time as new data is collected: relationships are formed, experiences are lived through, and information is learned. It is incumbent on anyone on this search to be a willing examiner and honest thinker about the ways in which new data supports, contradicts, or supplements one’s truth.

For most, The Ten will be the start of their inward journey for truth. For some, The Ten will enhance their ongoing journey. For others, The Ten may not be the right fit, which is just fine; the search for one’s own truth only begins when the person is ready, and not a moment sooner.



In a world that simultaneously holds leaders in high regard and fails to prioritize the development of future generations of leaders, The Ten is a proactive effort to bridge this gap. The value and purpose of The Ten, as a leadership platform, is premised on three core truths.

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The Ten’s leadership journey travels three interweaving courses that build upon and inform each other over the course of the year.

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The Ten, as a leadership platform, is made possible through the participation of high schools, students, and business executives. Participation is voluntary provided that the participants adhere to the core principles of The Ten. 

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Pilot Year

The Ten is an initiative of The Pamela and Ajay Raju Foundation. For the pilot year of The Ten, The Raju Foundation partnered with Freire Charter School as the first participating high school.

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The Ten’s leadership journey travels three interweaving courses that build upon and inform each other over the course of the year.
