The Ten, as a leadership platform, is made possible through the participation of high schools, students, and business executives. Participation is voluntary provided that the participants adhere to the core principles of The Ten.
1. High Schools
High schools that see the potential value of The Ten for its students are invited to become a participating school. As a participating school, the high school will be tasked with two primary responsibilities. First, the high school will identify ten students to participate in The Ten. This selection process is at each school’s discretion, but the schools are encouraged to consider the purpose and principles of The Ten and think critically about which students may benefit most from the year-long journey. Second, the high school will collaborate with the paired business executive to arrange for a mutually agreeable schedule and meeting place for sessions of The Ten. Unless otherwise agreed, the high schools should anticipate making space available for the sessions at the school.
“I am because of you.”
— African Proverb
2. Students
The only requirement for the students that are selected to participate in The Ten is that they do not disrupt the sessions. Attendance is not mandatory. There are no required homework assignments. Those students that actively participate will likely benefit the most from The Ten, but there is no right way to participate. The Ten hopes to show the value of self-discovery and leadership development. Some students may see the value immediately. For others, the value may not become apparent for months. The Ten is there for the students as they become ready.
3. Business Executives
Business executives are often in the midst of their own leadership journeys. Sharing their own perspectives and experiences from these journeys with younger generations is a valuable opportunity. Those that volunteer to participate in The Ten will be paired with a group of ten students from a participating high school. The business executives will be responsible for collaborating with the high school to agree upon a schedule for the sessions over the course of the academic year. Prior to the first session of the year, all of the business executives will be invited to attend a workshop that outlines the principles-based curriculum of The Ten. The principles of The Ten and its particular methodology provide the structure within which executives and students will collaborate, but ultimately each executive will bring their own style and perspective to the sessions.